Can Umut ILERI
PhD Candidate
Ege University,
International Computer Institute
Bornova, Izmir,
Turkey, 35100.
Tel: 090 232 311 32 39
Fax: 090 232 388 72 30
Research Interests
- Graph Theory
- Distributed Algorithms
- Self-stabilization
- Communication Networks
- [Journal] [accepted for publication] Can Umut Ileri, Orhan Dagdeviren, "A Distributed and Asynchronous Approach for Optimizing Weighted Graph Matchings in Wireless Network Services", Expert Systems With Applications, (2018)
- [Journal] [available online] Can Umut Ileri, Orhan Dagdeviren, "A self-stabilizing algorithm for b-matching", Theoretical Computer Science, (2018). [pdf]
- [Conference] Can Umut Ileri, and Orhan Dagdeviren. "Evaluating Fault Tolerance Properties of Self-stabilizing Matching Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks.", IEEE BLACKSEACOM, 2018. [pdf]
- [Conference] Yigit, Yasin, Can Umut Ileri, and Orhan Dagdeviren. "Fault tolerance performance of self-stabilizing independent set algorithms on a covering-based problem: The case of link monitoring in WSNs." 2018 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE). IEEE, 2018.
- [Conference] Can Umut Ileri, Orhan Dagdeviren, "Improving Distributed Maximum Weighted Matchings for Communication Networks", IEEE BLACKSEACOM, 2017. [pdf]
- [Conference] Mustafa Asci, Can Umut Ileri, Orhan Dagdeviren, "An Energy-efficient Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm For Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE SIU 2017 (In Turkish). [pdf]
- [Conference] Can Umut Ileri, Orhan Dagdeviren, "Performance evaluation of distributed maximum weighted matching algorithms", IEEE Sixth International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP), 2016.[pdf]
- [Book Chapter] Can Umut Ileri, Aybars Ural, Orhan Dagdeviren, Vedat Kavalci, "On Vertex Cover Problems in Distributed Systems",
Book Chapter, Advanced Methods for Complex Network Analysis Book, IGI Global, 2015. [pdf]
- [Journal] Edoardo Amaldi, Stefano Coniglio, Luca G. Gianoli, Can Umut Ileri, "On single-path network routing subject to max-min fair flow allocation", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 41 (2013): 543-550. [link]
Current Projects
- Distributed and Self-Stabilizing Capacitated Graph Theoretic Algorithms, funded by TUBITAK, 2016-2018, working as Researcher.
Assisted Courses
Distributed Algorithms
Distributed Systems
Network Science
Wireless Sensor Networks
Network Programming
Natural Language Processing
Service-oriented Computing
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