Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Please refer to online courses.
Vize sinavi 26.Kasim.2014 Carsamba gunu yapilacaktir. Gunduz programina kayitli olanlar icin 9:30'da, aksam programina kayitli olanlar icin 18:00'de yapilacaktir. Sinava 1 adet A4 kagidini istediginiz gibi arkali onlu doldurarak getirebilirsiniz.
Late homeworks will be reduced by 20% first week, 40% second week, will not graded for the following weeks.
Click here for Hw1The course on 7 May is cancelled, please see the new course plan.
Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Holger Karl's "Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks" book and Eva Tardos's Algorithm Design Course in Princeton.
To install TinyOS on laptops, UBI students please bring your laptops on 31 March, UTI students please bring your laptops on 3 April.
Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Thomas Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Course in Dartmouth and Eva Tardos's Algorithm Design Course in Princeton.
Click here for information (7.11.2013).Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Thomas Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Course in Dartmouth.
Click here for information.Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Holger Karl's "Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks" book and Eva Tardos's Algorithm Design Course in Princeton.
Click here for information.Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Nancy Lynch's Distributed Algorithms Course in MIT, Eva Tardos's Algorithm Design Course in Princeton, and Thomas Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Course in Dartmouth, Seif Haridi's Computer Systems course from Swedish Institute of Technology.
Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Thomas Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Course in Dartmouth, Eva Tardos's Algorithm Design Course in Princeton.
Acknowledgment: Lecture notes are from Thomas Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms Course in Dartmouth.